Vijaya Enterprises

At Vijaya Enterprises We strive endlessly to give a variety of insulating products of International quality.In order to produce a composite product with excellent all round characteristics,a through evaluation of the ingredients are done on a regular basis and a high degree of product reliability is achieved through effective process control and quality evaluation. SMC Moulded Products, DMC Moulded Products and FRP Sheets.
Vijaya Enterprises Our product range encompasses Stand Off Insulators and Busbar Supports made from materials like DMC, SMC, and Polyamide, as well as Epoxy HT and MV Insulators, and Transformer Bushings. Additionally, we specialize in the manufacturing of precision-built CT/PTs (Current and Potential Transformers). These CTs are available in various configurations, including Resin Cast, Tape Wound, and Molded Case, with different Burden, Ratios, and Insulation Class options.
At Vijaya Enterprises Our approach to design and innovation is rooted in a deep understanding of our customers' requirements. We are dedicated to continuously developing new products that bridge the gap between what our customers need and what the current market offers.

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